model images

  • Each fountain tower has four viewing platforms (minimum 32’ X 32’).

  • The plaza has trees and shrubbery native
    to Shanksville, PA.

  • The fountain is constructed of steel and
    green-tinted glass.

  • A shimmering film of water drops from the top of the towers to the upper pentagon (and is
    then recycled).

  • A separate piping system for the upper
    pentagon pumps water out to a
    circular ring, which then drops through
    3016 holes (for victims) to the lower pentagon
    pool (and is then recycled).

  • The upper pentagon may be the same height as “The Pentagon” (77 feet, 3.5 inches). It may be constructed of perforated glass floating within structural steel supports.

  • The lower glass pentagon is supported
    by 51 columns (50 states and Washington, DC).
  • The pedestrian plaza is covered with granite
    and similar materials.

  • The plaza contains five glass panels with
    the inscribed names of victims, of companies leasing space in WTC, and of rescue units.

  • A blue laser light projects from each tower
    at night, visible from great distances.


Last updated: November 13, 2003

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The contents of this site may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of Stuart D. Gosswein.